Our Mission

Shining a light along the path to a happy life

What is Path to a Happy Life?

Born of the desire to support, encourage and inspire, the Path to a Happy Life mission has grown from a small idea into a grand vision — a movement that will bring people from all over the globe together in a common cause, each contributing our own unique talents and abilities, to help all people live more fulfilling lives. And yes, it’s all FREE.


What do you see when you look at your life? Are you living your dream? Do you have an inner knowing that you are more than your circumstances? Do you feel that you have a true purpose but can’t seem to get the traction or momentum to make it your reality? Each of us has our own individual and specific Path to a Happy Life. We are like trailblazers on our individual quest to forge a path through wild country. Our mission is to provide you with tools and products that will shine a light on your path, so you can see where you’re going and help to guide you on your way. Dream it, Plan it, Live it.

We Believe:

• That all people are highly capable and that each of us was born to live an abundant and happy life.

• That the goal of life is to live in complete freedom from all discord and that our purpose is to pursue that end until it is attained.

• In the Creative Mind which receives the direct impressions of our thoughts and acts upon it.

• In eternal Goodness, and eternal Loving-kindness

• In the unity of all life. That we are all children of the same universe.

•  Every individual is free to practice their spiritual growth as of their choosing, so long as that expression does not impinge upon the freedoms of others.

Dominique Gizelle, O.M.
Ordained Minister for
Path to a Happy Life

dominique gizelle

Paul Biondi, M.S. Counseling.
Counselor, Psychology for
Path to a Happy Life

Paul Biondi

Val Thomas, A.W.W.
Administrative Wonder Woman for
Path to a Happy Life

Val Thomas

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