Our Story

Our Story - lunchA Smile, a Burning Passion and Unwavering Optimism

We have created Path to a Happy Life for you. Yes…You!  If you have arrived here, then this website is meant for you and it’s all FREE. While originally intended to support our students, this “Path to a Happy Life” project has grown to support all people who seek to be happier. It’s our goal to provide you with a steady stream of uplifting, motivational content.

How We Began

Our Story 1It may sound like a cliché, but nothing makes us happier than when we’re helping and encouraging others. It’s true. We are blessed to be living our two passions. We are full-time musicians that write music for popular TV shows and media, and we provide private music lessons to help aspiring musicians reach their goals.

While offering music instruction is rewarding in and of itself, we have found that our students generally seek more than instruction. They need encouragement and motivation. Dominique and Paul at the parkThey seek to be filled with the self-confidence to help them believe that they can do it and the inspiration to stay motivated. We see this as an important aspect of our work. We strive to provide the support that helps students re-frame their thinking in order to live their dreams and accomplish their goals.

Dreams vs. Goals

Our Story - 3We are proud to say that we have seen many student dreams manifest into reality, landing record contracts, Broadway roles and television appearances, however we still see others who continue to struggle.

Some students struggle with depression, emotional and confidence issues. Others with maintaining a commitment to consistency and focus in order to stay on track between lessons. Asking ourselves, “What more caOur Story - 4n we do? Are there other tools can we share?“ led us to creating online instructional videos on our Bang On Records YouTube channel (Guitar Q&A and Vocal Troubleshooter), offering both encouragement and tools for overcoming life challenges.

What We Did Next

To our surprise, aside from students, viewers we didn’t know began commenting how they felt uplifted by these videos. Instagram page IGTVOthers said they watched them “on repeat” for inspiration. So, next we began posting daily motivational quotes on our music lesson Instagram page BangOnRecordsStudio and created an IGTV video series “Your Best Life – How the World’s Most Successful People Did It” which highlighted the inspiring and amazing back-stories of well-know people.

And Now We’ve Arrived Here

So this is our story. We share this with you to say that we have created Path to a Happy Life for you. It’s our goal to provide you with a steady stream of uplifting, motivational content. As always, delivered with a smile, a burning passion and unwavering optimism.

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